
ARTS & SCIENCES brings together people who value discovery, engagement, and action. Tell us what you're curious about, and we'll help you make your mark:

From Physics: WashU physicists use balloon-borne instrumentation to collect information on cosmic rays in Antarctica


We apply critical and creative thinking beyond the task at hand, testing new approaches to challenges facing our world. Tell us what you’re curious about, and we’ll help you make your mark:

From Anthropology: Anthropologist Crickette Sanz studies the variation of social organization and material culture that has been documented among wild chimpanzee populations.



We’re motivated by a desire to discover solutions to big problems. Tell us what you’re curious about, and we’ll help you make your mark:

From Campus: Students workshop their pieces in a creative writing course


in Arts & Sciences

ICQCM Inaugural Virtual Symposium


Celebrating the Class of 2023

After four years of hard work and an unprecedented final semester, graduates of the College of Arts & Sciences are crossing the finish line. We can't wait to congratulate them in person, but for now, we hope familiar faces and messages from classmates can help mark this achievement. Many thanks to the graduating seniors who submitted these photos and videos. Congrats, #WashU20!


Three recent Arts & Sciences graduates share their experiences with community-engaged courses at Washington University. The courses took students outside of the classroom to work directly on local environmental advocacy, women's health issues, and more.

Aerial view of Brookings Hall on the Danforth Campus

Explore the College of Arts & Sciences

We know that breakthroughs—scientific or creative, academic or personal—happen when ideas collide. At the intersection of it all is the College of Arts & Sciences—a school with no limits on what you can study, learn, and achieve.


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University administration is tracking developments with the ongoing novel coronavirus or COVID-19 outbreak and remains fully committed to the health and well-being of our students, faculty, and staff. All university communications regarding coronavirus may be found on the Emergency Management website.

Learn more


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Check Out The Ampersand



Bronwen Konecky travels to tropical regions around the world gathering evidence of the geologic past. Using data from rain samples and sediment deep at the bottom of lakes, she is piecing together a story about Earth's climatic history – and what it can tell us about our planet's future.


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  • A&S in the News
Arts & Sciences staff come together to support remote teaching transition
Campus & Community

Arts & Sciences staff come together to support remote teaching transition

Arts & Sciences staff have been essential to moving classes online in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, often embracing new roles and working across units to build training modules and support systems for faculty who are now teaching remotely.

Campus & Community

Hu appointed dean of the faculty of Arts & Sciences

Feng Sheng Hu, the Harry E. Preble Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences (LAS) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, has been appointed dean of the faculty of Arts & Sciences and professor of biology and of earth and planetary sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, effective July 1, according to Chancellor Andrew D. Martin.